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Welcome to Wharfedale Recovery Hub

Our Wharfedale Recovery Hub provides assessment and rehabilitation for your ongoing needs following a hospital stay to enable you to regain independence to return home at the earliest opportunity. Your care will be based on either the Heather or Bilberry unit and we will assess your rehabilitation needs in partnership with you and understanding your personal goals for successful rehabilitation. Care will be provided by therapists, nurses, support workers and doctors where necessary.


Visiting is encouraged at the Wharfedale Recovery Hub. Visiting times are 11:00am – 7:00pm.

To keep everyone safe please follow these principles when doing so:

  • You must not have any symptoms of COVID-19 or any other infection when visiting.
  • Always wear a fluid resistant surgical mask, this includes when entering and moving through healthcare spaces. If you are medically exempt from mask wearing, we will need to see evidence of this.
  • You must use alcohol gel before and after attending Heather or Bilberry.
  • Patients who are COVID positive may be allowed visitors following a risk assessment by the Matron or clinical lead, with established COVID-safety measures in place.
  • Each patient is welcome to have visitors during visiting time.
  • Patients at the end of life will be allowed visitors. The number of visitors at any one time will be agreed with the healthcare team and visiting hours may be adapted in these circumstances.
  • Essential care givers can attend at any time.
  • We will support visiting outside of these hours on an individual basis where necessary, please just talk to us about this.
  • Welcome to the Wharfedale Recovery Hub

    The Wharfedale Recovery Hub is for patients who need a short stay of up to six weeks as you may need additional rehabilitation and/or planning for discharge before you return to your home. Our aim is to work with you to achieve your recovery goals with the support of the nursing and therapy team which includes Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Physiotherapists, Dieticians and support workers.

    We would like you to feel as comfortable, supported and informed as possible during your stay with us.

    Here is some information which will tell you more about what happens from the start to the end of your stay at the Recovery Hub on the 2nd floor of the hospital.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please call our reception on 0113 392 1525
    Bilberry Nurses Station: 0113 392 1533
    Heather Nurses Station: 0113 392 1721

    During busy periods, there may be a delay in getting through to the team. It is a good idea for you to have your own mobile phone so you can stay in touch with family and friends. Our team of staff can help you make calls if you need them to.


    What happens when you arrive?

    You will need to bring some night and day clothes and, if you prefer, your own toiletries. However, please note there is no laundry service available and therefore all laundry needs to be taken home or given to your family.

    We will make a record of your personal belongings at the beginning of your stay including your valuables however we encourage you to ask friends and family to take your valuables home.


    Visiting arrangements

    We do encourage visits from family and friends as this is an important part of your rehabilitation.

    Visiting hours are 11am–7pm, Monday to Sunday.

    We are happy for your family and friends to bring in snacks, flowers or small gifts and anything else you require during your stay.



    We have protected mealtimes, and therefore ask that family and friends ideally do not visit during these times unless it is to provide support to you to eat and drink. Staff will ask you about your dietary needs and the information added to your care plan.

    You will be provided with choice at all mealtimes.

    • Breakfast 8.30am–10am
    • Snacks and drinks 10.30am
    • Lunch 12pm–1pm
    • Snacks and drinks 3pm
    • Tea 5–6pm
    • Supper 8.30pm

    A range of snacks are also available between these hours if required and may include fresh fruit, hot/cold drinks, biscuits etc. You can ask any member of the team who will be happy to help.

    You might like to ask your family and friends to bring books, magazines, digital equipment and anything else you will need during your short stay with us. We have a programme of activities, and we will let you know what is happening during your stay. TV and free WiFi are also available.


    Your support

    The nurses, therapists and support team will work with you during your stay to look at the level of support you need to reach your recovery goals. Our team of doctors will also visit the ward during your stay to provide medical support, advice and guidance. We will work to support you to move to the best place for you as soon as possible and when it is safe to do so. You and your family will be fully involved in all decision making.


    Your wellbeing

    Our Activity Coordinator will let you know about any activities taking place within the Recovery Hub.


    Your health

    Before you move to the Recovery Hub, the hospital will transfer all the right information and this will help things run smoothly.

    You will have a temporary GP registration with us during your stay and we will make sure your medication is available on the ward.

    We will support you to give yourself your medication. However, if you need help taking your medication, this will be agreed with you and added to your care plan to make sure you have the support you need.


    Before you go home

    Our aim is to make sure that you are discharged safely from the Recovery Hub to the best place for you.

    Your discharge will be planned with you and your family/carers. Transport arrangements for leaving will be discussed with you as part of your discharge planning.

    If required, our therapy team will arrange a home visit to check the equipment and adaptations in your home. If you need any equipment delivering, they will plan with you and your family to deliver the equipment as appropriate.

    If it helps with your discharge, we may refer you to other services to provide additional support.

    If you need more help with your care at home, our team will talk to you about this and work with the right people to support you (for example, Adult Social Care). We will make sure support is in place before you return; this may include carers supporting you in your home. You may also need telecare equipment to keep you safe and this will be arranged by us.

    Any additional nursing support will be organised via our team and your local neighbourhood team before you return home.
    We can help you get in touch with follow up support to keep you feeling well, for example, a range of community organisations. If this is something that you are interested in, please speak with a member of our team during your stay.


    When you are discharged

    We will make sure you have the right supply of your medication and a list of your medication. If you need a dosette box or other aid to help you take your medication, we will request this.

    If your family or carers will be supporting you with your medicines on discharge, we will make sure the right information is given to them, including understanding what your medicines are for and how to take them safely.

    If you are registered with a pharmacy delivery service, please inform them of your return.

    If you need continence supplies, our nurses will place a referral with the Continence and Urology Community Service prior to your discharge.


    Further information

    For further information and referrals to Adults and Health contact centre, call: 0113 222 4401
    For Assisted Living Leeds and Telecare information, call: 0113 378 3300
    For Carers’ Leeds support, call: 0113 380 4300
    For information about all local services, tradespeople, activities and events, call Leeds Directory on:
    0113 378 4610

Contact us


Wharfedale Recovery Hub Reception - 0113 3921525

Bilberry Nursing Office - 0113 3921533

Heather Nursing Office - 0113 3921721


You will be referred by a health professional if required.

How to find the ward


Wharfedale Hospital Newall Carr Road, Otley LS21 2LY

The wards are located on the second floor of the hospital.

What to do if you need to speak to someone urgently...